幕末維新期の農村金融市場 : 三河国八名郡馬越村を中心に
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There has to far been insufficient research into the financial structure of farming villages in the Tokugawa period. This is mainly because scholars have looked at it through the financial activities of landowners. In other words, their analyses have been limited to the supply side only. This has led to an overestimate of the significance of the landowner as money lender. In this article, the focus is shifted to the demand side of the circulation of funds. Two kinds of resources have been used: the Shomoncho, which is a file of copies of villagers' loan contracts, and account books about fund raising and loans belonging to a village system similar to a credit union. Both of them are official documents of the village. We find that villagers procured money from many diverse lenders or institutions for the production of commodities. Consequently, we come to the conclusion that there was a competitive and widespread finance market which has come to link savings to investment after the 1840s.
- 1999-05-25
- 商学部ゼミのアンケート調査結果報告
- 幕末維新期の農村金融市場 : 三河国八名郡馬越村を中心に
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