THE CONFIGURATIONS OF THE M-CURVES OF DEGREE (4,4) IN RP$^1$ ×RP$^1$ AND PERIODS OF REAL K3 SURFACES : Dedicated to Professor Haruo Suzuki on his 60th birthday
- Congruences for $M$ and ($M$ - 1)-curves with odd branches on a hyperboloid
- THE CONFIGURATIONS OF THE M-CURVES OF DEGREE (4,4) IN RP$^1$ ×RP$^1$ AND PERIODS OF REAL K3 SURFACES : Dedicated to Professor Haruo Suzuki on his 60th birthday
- Some results restricting the mutual position of the components of a nonsingular real algebraic curve in $\mathbb{R}$P$^1 \times \mathbb{R}$P$^1$(Singularities of C$^\infty$ -maps and Contact Geometry)