管内多孔板からの渦放出に伴う圧力脈動 : ロックイン振動数について(機械力学,計測,自動制御)
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This paper deals with lock-in frequencies of ring vortex shedding from a perforated plate installed in a pipe. The liquid column was forced to oscillate by exciting a part of the pipe wall using a piezoelectric element. The pressure fluctuation amplitudes along the pipe were measured and compared to the pressure modes when the lock-in phenomenon occurred. The natural frequency of the perforated plate in water was also examined. The vortex shedding is locked-in to the liquid-column natural frequency of the pipe including the perforated plate or the frequency at which the pipe length upstream or downstream of the plate is practically equal to an odd multiple of 1/4 wave length. At these frequencies the lateral vibration of the perforated plate is induced by the significant differential-pressure fluctuation across the plate. The vortex-shedding frequency does not require coinciding with the natural frequency of the plate for the occurrence of lock-in.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-04-25
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