帝国大学におけるオーケストラ育成運動 : 榊保三郎の九州帝国大学フィルハーモニー会活動を中心に
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In the empire university, first orchestra was organized in Kyushu Empire University, which started as the fourth empires universities in 1911. The activity of Kyushu empire university philharmonic association which SAKAKI, Yasusaburo (1870-1929) led is already observed from when Dr. SAKAKI came into the Kyoto Univ. Fukuoka medical college psychiatry classroom. When SAKAKI, Doctor of Medicine, returned home from the Germany studying in receiving the announcement to the Kyushu empire university, many musical scores was brought, and they contributed to Western music development and backing training of Japan in the Meiji period. Dr. SAKAKI studied medicine and violin, and concentrated on the man training, so the university culture was made to bloom. Engineering faculty professor FURIYA, Yoshiro (flute) and engineering faculty professor ARAKAWA Bunroku (clarinet) and students of the medical school gathered and made the philharmonic association. The composition persons keep increasing year by year, and the art skill has been mastered using the musical instrument in proportion to the request. Such as playing "the ninth" of Beethoven with Japanese in 1924 for the first time in Japan, etc., the Kyushu empire university philharmonic association became a dispatched place of the music in those days. The technology polished in the Kyushu empire university philharmonic association became a source, which constituted Kyushu symphony orchestra in the local area, and it supported music culture of the Kyushu region to the present. His activity caused the music culture of Kyushu region, and the music activity was activated.はじめに 1 帝国大学におけるオーケストラ育成 1)榊保三郎の苦楽活動と九州帝国大学フィルハーモニー会 2)九州帝国大学フィルハーモニー会の演奏記録 2 榊教授の進退 1)榊医師の法文学部入学 2)榊保三郎の死 3)医者榊の3兄弟 3 榊の研究活動 1)榊保三郎の略歴 2)榊保三郎の著書 おわりに