<論文>バングラデシュ農村部における初等教育制度受容の研究 : メヘルプール県ガンニ郡カラムディ村の事例
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This study aims to investigate about impact of modern primary education in the third world especially rural area of Peoples republic of Bangladesh. In this case, the author focuses to Karamdi village beside of borderline of India it means a part of Westside of Bangladesh. After 1990, enrollment of primary education increases in all Bangladesh by various educational expansion policies, mainly Education for All. In Karamdi village also increases enrollment of primary education by that policies. The author surveyed on actual situation of the acceptance of primary education system through collected field data by himself. Karamdi village people almost exclusively made go to primary school their children it was prospective situation. However now we can't find that this village society accept whether true or not true. So the author has investigated that issue on this paper. Following is procedures for overcoming that issue. (1) School attendance as systematic habits Mostly village people are poor family. If they have child worth of primary level, can accept 12〜13 kg wheat per month by Food for Education Program(FFE). So now they make to go to primary school their child basically everyday. On the other hand, in many primary schools has become noisy situation cause of increasing of many pupils. (2) School aspiration by economical hierarchy Economical hierarchy in Karamdl village divided into three classes. Top class wants to send their child mainly until University level. Middle class and lower class want to send their child mainly until Secondary school level. It means middle and lower people are difficult to cherish about future image of their children. (3) School's condition Almost teacher in Karamdi village, they have subsidiary occupation inside their family for example agriculture, shop keeper and housewife. It is a part of the reason for decrease quality of primary education. That is why we can conclude that Karamdi village is groundbreaking years on process of the acceptance of primary education.
- 九州大学の論文
- 2002-03-27