技能・徒弟制・熟練供給 : 戦間期イギリス機械産業におけるトゥールメーカーを事例にして
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This article explores the supply of skills through apprenticeship and the mobility of skilled workers in the interwar period through a case study of toolmakers in the engineering industry. Toolmakers' skills lay at the base of the mass-production system of new industries and their impotance grew over the period. Their rise was a result of changes in the British economy, particularly of structural shifts between industries in the interwar period. These changes were accompanied by changes in the characteristics of toolmakers' skills. Nonetheless, the industry as a whole, including both employers and trade unions, was not fully prepared for these changes. In particular, there was a failure to address the issue of training or reskilling toolmakers. There was no systematic and organized institutional framework for training toolmakers, while the supply of skilled labour through apprenticeships decreased. The article concludes that the supply of skilled workers was at the mercy of traditional attitudes, and of the free market in labour. Industrial training was not reformed until the postwar period.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 2002-05-25
- 遠藤公嗣著, 『賃金の決め方-賃金形態と労働研究-』, ミネルヴァ書房, 2005年6月, 233頁, 2,940円
- 技能・徒弟制・熟練供給 : 戦間期イギリス機械産業におけるトゥールメーカーを事例にして
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