幼児における他者の意図理解の発達 : <S-S法>言語発達遅滞検査課題を用いて
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This study focuses on developmental process of how infant comes to know others' intention. Around the end of the first year of life, infant begins to realize that others have intention in their action like him/her-self, but we have to wait until in the middle of the second year for the dramatic change in self-others relation. This study tried to extract the developmental process of others intention by using S-S Test battery, which was invented by National Rehabilitation Center. Twenty one children (9 months old to 24 months old) were assessed in order to clarify in what age they pass the choosing task. Results showed that the sorting task (around 15.3 months) was passed earlier than choosing task (17.9 months old) . Attitude toward the tasks had also changed. Before infants passed the choosing task, they showed rejection, hesitation and demand. But these attitudes decreased after passing the choosing task. As for these attitudes-change is prerequisite of others intention, these two tasks differ in quality; that is understanding of others intention.
- 心理科学研究会の論文
- 2007-03-28
- 幼児における他者の意図理解の発達 : 言語発達遅滞検査課題を用いて
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