「ノン・フィクション・ノヴェル」再考 : 『冷血』と映画『カポーティ』に見る視点の問題
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Truman Capote invented a new style of "non-fiction novel" in his work, In Cold Blood (1966). About 40 years after its publication, the situation of documentary has drastically changed. Capote's In Cold Blood adopted some elements of fiction into the documentary realm.a revolutionary approach to the genre. Indeed, many journalists were impressed by his work, and the movement of "new journalism" was brought about. The 2005 film Capote was focused on Capote himself who was making his new documentary work, In Cold Blood. In effect, the film Capote showed the "behind-the scenes" of Capote's struggle to create the non-fiction novel. Besides, the film represents an outstanding depiction of the transition of documentary over the past 40 years. In recent documentary works, extreme importance is placed on the viewpoint of camera. In Cold Blood did not directly depict the relationship between the author and the targets. Those targets were deeply affected after connecting with Capote himself, but Capote could not write about these aspects. The film Capote, on the other hand, emphasized the author's dilemma. This paper will reexamine the achievements of new journalism, and explore the possibility of docu/fiction bridging the gap between documentary and fiction.
- 英米文化学会の論文
- 2007-03-31
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- 書評(1)Neider, Charles, ed. The Travels of Mark Twain (2)Melton, Jeffrey Alan. Mark Twain, Travel Book, and Tourism: The Tide of Great Popular Movement (3)Cooper, Robert. Around the World with Mark Twain
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