芝田不二男の『看護哲学』の今日的意味 : 日本における看護哲学の源泉をたどる
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Nursing philosophy has been established as an academic discipline in Britain and America. Shibata Fujio first used the term 'nursing philosophy' and discussed its importance in Japan thirty years ago. Here, it is attempted to shed light on his work; how it relates to the contemporary days. Shibata discussed what nursing philosophy was all about by quoting the descriptions of 'what medical philosophy is' by Sawatame Hisataka. Even though the whole picture of his theory was unfortunately too difficult to fully grasp, the method in which he discussed the philosophical research of nursing was as pioneering as the ones by contemporary British and American nursing philosophers. For each and every nurse, to seek 'the essence of nursing' wholly, essentially, and unconditionally is to ask the question of proper nursing. Thus, it is to lead them in the direction of ideal nursing. When they ponder upon their daily profession subjectively and reflectively in the light of that direction, it bridges the theory and the practice. It is the practitioners, then, who are required to seed nursing philosophically. To educate nurses about nursing philosophy is to train; to generalize and state occurrence in nursing in a synthetically way. The basic idea by Shibata described above is crucial even today. And I hope to see the swift growth of nursing philosophy in Japan as well.
- 2007-03-30
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