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The purpose of this study was to examine stress reaction of mothers having youngchildren, their recognition of social support, and negative feelings toward their baby and childcare, a major factor in burden of childcare. The subjects were 2040 mothers having young children who lived in K city in Kumamoto Prefecture. Questionnaires were distributed by mail to parents of infants on December in 2004. Personal background variables, and psychological investigational items, including childcare anxiety, negative feelings toward childcare as a factor in burden of childcare, and stress coping, and social support were surveyed and analyzed. This study considered that mothers having infants are in a stressful state and that therecognition of stress is related to negative feelings toward childcare and the recognition of physical and emotional support. This suggests that the recognition of sufficient supports in client-oriented perspectives lowers the level of the negative feelings.
- 熊本大学の論文
- 2007-03-30
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