A note on the economics of post modern manufacturing (This number is in honor of Professor Emeritus Ryoichi Miwa)
- A note on the economics of post modern manufacturing (This number is in honor of Professor Emeritus Ryoichi Miwa)
- Auctions are not Always in behalf of Consumers (This Number is in Honor of Professor Emeritus Toshio Ohtani)
- A Comparison of Market Structures in R&D with Endogenous Spillovers
- International Transfers and Environmental Quality : An Example
- A Note on Petroleum Reserve Auctions (This Number is in Honor of Professor Emeritus Ryotaro Ishihata)
- 異質財のオークション (情報とネットワークの経済)
- Procurement auctions with synergies
- A Revisit to the Decreasing Price Anomaly (In Commemoration of the 50TH Anniversary of the Department of Economics)