The Effect of the Electron-Phonon Interaction on the Spin Splitting of Electron Energy Bands in an Itinerant Electron Ferromagnet
Lee K.h.
Physics Dept Jeonbuk National University University
金 徳州
Physics Dept,Aoyama Gakuin University
Fukumoto S.
Matsushita Electronics Corp .
Antonof M.M.
Physics Dept, University of Massachusetts-Boston
金 徳州
Antonof M.m.
Physics Dept University Of Massachusetts-boston
- The Effect of the Electron-Phonon Interaction on the Spin Splitting of Electron Energy Bands in an Itinerant Electron Ferromagnet
- Magnetization Dependence of Phonon Effect on Volume of an Itinerant Electron Ferromagnet
- The Effects of Interaction between Volume and Magnetization on the Elastic and Magnetic Responses of a Ferromagnet
- Phonon in a ferromagnet carries magetization
- Magnetic Field Effect on Sound Velocity and Attenuation in an Itinerant Electron Ferromagnet
- The Effects of Interaction between Volume and Magnetization on the Elastic and Magnetic Responses of a Ferromagnet
- 強相関金属電子系での電子光子相互作用の理論 (強相関電子系の理論的研究)
- プロジェクトの総括 (強相関電子系の理論的研究)