The Development of Latin -ULU,-ULA in Romance(III)
- ロマンス諸語におけるラテン語接尾辞-ULU,-ULAの発展-2-〔英文〕
- ロマンス諸語におけるラテン語接尾辞-ULU,-ULAの発展-1-〔英文〕
- ロマンス諸語におけるラテン語の中性複数形-7-〔英文〕
- ロマンス諸語におけるラテン語の中性複数形-6-〔英文〕
- Notes on Influences Exercised on Old English by Other Germanic Languages
- Middle English loanwords from across the North Sea (Articles and Essays in Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the School of Business Adminiatration)
- The Voicing of Intervocalic Voiceless Stops in English
- The Portuguese Nasal Vowels : Some Hints from Japanese
- Palatal vs.Velar in the Stem of the Romance Present(IV)
- The Development of Latin -ULU,-ULA in Romance(III)
- The Latin Neuter Plurals in Romance(V)
- The Latin Neuter Plurals in Romance(I)
- The Latin Neuter Plurals in Romance(II)
- The Latin Neuter Plurals in Romance(III)
- The Latin Neuter Plurals in Romance (IV)
- Palatal vs.Velar in the Stem of the Romance Present(V)
- Palatal vs Velar in the Stem of the Romance Present(VI)
- ロマンス諸語一考察--副詞形態と前置詞形態について
- PROTO-ROMANCE VERB FORMATION BY SUFFIXATION (Articles and Essays in Commemoration of the 35th Anniversary of the School of Business Administration)
- Palatal vs.Velar in the Stem of the Romance Present(II)
- Palatal vs.Velar in the Stem of the Romance Present
- The Strong Perfects in the Romance Languages(Part III)
- The Strong Perfects in the Romance Languages(Part II)
- A Brief Historical Survey of Shall and Will(IV)
- English Spelling : Whence and Whither Part I : The History of English Spelling
- A Brief Historical Survey of Shall and Will(III)
- English Spelling : Whence and Whither Part II: Recommended Changes(cont.)
- English Spelling : Whence and Whither
- Evidence in English for the Occurrence of 〔s〕 in Old French (〔青山学院大学〕経営学部創立15周年記念号)
- A Brief Historical Survey of Shall and Will
- A Brief Historical Survey of Shall and Will
- A Brief Historical Survey of Shall and Will (VIII)
- A Brief Historical Survey of Shall and Will(V)
- A Brief Historical Survey of Shall and Will (XI)
- Notes on Spanish -IO
- A Brief Historical Survey of Shall and Will (VII)