伝統の維持と創造 --秋田県角館の歴史的環境に関する考察--
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The purpose of this paper is to consider the problems and paradoxes related to the conservation of the " historic environment" through the case of Kakunodate (Akita Prefecture). which is famous for the cityscape of Samurai residents and one of the most famed tourist spots in Japan. The " historic environment" is the built environment一buildings and its surroundings一which has long historic continuity and is regarded as ""historic heritage". As well as many traditions which we think 0f as ancient in their origins were invented relatively recently. the tradition and value of Kakunodate as a precious historic environment was invented in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Agency for Cultural Affairs selected the district of Samurai residences of Kakunodate as one of " Preservation Districts of Groups of Important Historic Buildings" in 1976.This paper examines the process of the " invention of tradition" of Kakunodate through the " autobigraphic discourses" and the " biographic discourses" on Kakunodate. The autobiographic discourse is the narrative. explanation and plan about Kakunodate by those who have lived or worked in Kakunodate. and the biographic discourse is the representation of Kakunodate by those who are " outsider" of Kakunodate. for example the descriptions of guidebooks. The value of Kakunodate's historic environment has been for mulated in the process of intertwining of these two different discourses. and they have influenced the landscaping for conservation of Kakunodate. which confronts the paradoxes between creation and conservation. tourism and tradition. This paper also makes clear the landscaping for conservation of Kakunodate has been constructed by the " tourist gaze". This causes the problems of the conservation of the cityscape and Samurai residents alive and well
- 秋田大学の論文
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