- 論文の詳細を見る
We can say that wa', often translated into English as the spirit of harmony, has constituted a foundation for the Japanese perception of value and ethics; this concept of wa' has been widely known since long. However, in the context of Japanese culture, the meaning of the word wa' must be understood differently from the original meaning of the English word harmony. The spirit of wa' is a frame of mind to place emphasis on avoiding confrontation or antagonism, and in some cases such as where harmony among the members of a society is threatened, even to refuse to admit the existence confrontation or incoherence, rather than to adjust it after it has happened. Wa' is the spirit of harmony forming through emotional linkage between people in various kinds of human relationships. Generally viewed, ethics in the Japanese society have meant the codes that people must abide by to realize and maintain the wa' as understood as above. It is in this sense that Tetsuro Watuji defined ethics as the reason or senses of the relationship between human beings. This study analyzed the historical transformation of the spirit of wa' that forms the foundation of the mental structure of the Japanese people and revealed the problems and perspective regarding the formation of the perception of value and ethics of the Japanese people in the future.
- 桃山学院大学の論文
- 2007-03-30
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