On absorbing sets for evolution equations in fluid mechanics(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)
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- ペナルティ化された線形熱対流方程式の解の漸近展開
- ペナルティ法による線形化熱対流方程式の考察
- Notes on the periodic solutions of the 2-dimensional heat convection equations(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)
- On the Hausdorff dimension of the attractor for the heat convection equation(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)
- On absorbing sets for evolution equations in fluid mechanics(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)
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- 差分法によるステファン問題の近似解法と数値実験
- 時間依存定義域をもつ劣微分作用素により生成された発展方程式
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