炭焼藤太伝承と在地縁起 : 『奥州仙台栗原郡畑村縁記』の紹介と翻刻
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Sumiyaki-Tota( 炭焼藤太) legend is a type of Sumiyaki-Chojya( 炭焼長者) legend which has a nationwide distribution. Sumiyaki-Tota legend has been told in the Tohoku district. The legend has been connected with the history of the temples or the shrines in many cases. Sumiyaki means a charcoal burner. Oshu Sendai Kuriharagun Hatamura Engi( 奥州仙台栗原郡畑村縁記) is a text recording Sumiyaki-Tota legend which has been handed down in the Kannari Town, Miyagi prefecture. Former Hatamura village is a part of the Kannari Town at present. The text was written by Umonbo( 右門坊) in 1789. Umonbo was a priest belonged to Haguro Shugen( 羽黒修験) sect. The content in the first half of the text is concerned with the history of Jyofukuji( 常福寺) temple. Umonbo explained that Jyofukuji was built by Sumiyaki-Tota and his wife called Okoyonomae( おこよの前) in the later Heian period, and that Tota and Okoyonomae were parents of Kaneuri-Kichiji( 金売吉次) who was a legendary hero in the Tohoku district. In 1686, Jyofukuji published Sumuyaki-Tota-shi( 炭焼藤太史) which recorded a brief outline of Sumiyaki-Tota legend. By comparing the text with Sumuyaki-Tota-shi, we can know that the text has the specific characteristics of going into the details about how Tota and Okoyonomae became a husband and wife. The content in the second half of the text is concerned with the history and the geography of Hatamura village. Most of the description was based on Honai Fudoki( 封内風土記) and Anei Fudoki( 安永風土記). Honai and Anei Fudoki were compiled by the Sendai Clan. Oshu Sendai Kuriharagun Hatamura Engi is an important material for the legend research, which had not been known until this time. In this paper, the writer has given a bibliographical introduction to the text and reprinted it.
- 炭焼藤太伝承と在地縁起 : 『奥州仙台栗原郡畑村縁記』の紹介と翻刻
- 神道集の伝承世界 (特集 中世文学研究の現在) -- (説話)
- お伽草子と奈良絵本 (特集 絵画を読み解く--文学との邂逅) -- (近世の絵画)
- お伽草子の和歌 (特集=和歌文学の深化と遍在--中世和歌文学史) -- (交響する歌ことば)
- 『鹿嶋大明神縁起草紙』解題・翻刻 (同人特集)
- 産育信仰の呪歌--枝折山説話の周辺 (特集 宗教をめぐる中世の言説)
- 「濡れ衣」説話の展開
- 御伽草子の御伽草子享受--『戸隠山絵巻』・『姫百合』を中心に (特集=御伽草子を読み解く) -- (作品論)
- お伽草子の神々 (神々の変貌--中世神道の教理と文芸) -- (中世文芸と神道)
- お伽草子研究のいま--主要研究文献に触れながら (お伽草子--文字と絵と物語と)
- 書評 久野俊彦著『絵解きと縁起のフォークロア』
- 『流水山縁起』小考 : 碓氷貞光伝説の演変
- 「濡れ衣」説話の展開
- 羊太夫伝承の一変奏--『多治比姓多胡氏系略之図』解題・翻刻
- 『庚申縁起』解題・翻刻
- 東国からのメッセージ (特集:中世の伝承--立ちあらわれる文化の基体) -- (場からの発信)
- 『神道集』の東国意識 (特集=古代・中世文学に見る東国) -- (文学に見る東国)
- 『信州加澤郷薬湯縁起』小考--附・翻刻
- 満行権現の縁起伝承考
- 『神道集』の神々 (特集 古典文学と信仰) -- (中世文学に見る信仰)
- 『満勝寺略縁起』解題・翻刻--『神道集』関連の在地縁起(3)
- 資料『鹿島合戦』解題--附・荻原本翻刻
- 富田本『鹿島合戦』翻刻
- 中之岳神社蔵『伊勢物語』について
- 源氏絵の一変奏--産泰神社幣殿天井画について
- 「和泉式部縁起」--阿弥陀信仰の主人公 (小野小町と和泉式部--才女をめぐる実像・虚像) -- (和泉式部の実像・虚像)
- 「断金の契り」説話の展開
- 『三国三社権現縁起』研究序論--土佐光芳画の縁起絵巻をめぐって
- 「神道集」にみる上野国の神々 (霊場信仰と文芸) -- (地方霊場と文芸)
- 室町文芸研究参考文献目録抄(研究のための手引き) (室町文芸の心とことば)
- 法談の物語草子--しやうとく太子の本地 (聖徳太子伝の変奏) -- (聖徳太子伝の変奏・中世)
- 神道集所収「上野国一宮縁起」考--在地縁起との比較を通して