クレムリンの見える風景(1) : 死者への郷愁と復活の空間
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This article intends to explore what is behind the historical geographical expansion of Russia. Through examining the meaning of kremlins and fortresses for eastern Slavs, the metaphysics of homeland ("Otchestvo") and what it means to make one's place by forming a rhythm in one's daily life and the practice of particular life styles. This examination entails introducing ideas of the Russian philosopher of cosmism, Nikolai Fyodorov (1828-1903) and demands rigorous efforts in the continuous search for answers.
- 聖学院大学の論文
- 2007-03-30
- 要塞都市ウラジオストクの歴史とアジア系商人(第335回例会報告(2004年1月24日))
- クレムリンの見える風景(1) : 死者への郷愁と復活の空間
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