- 論文の詳細を見る
In this note, previously reported friction data of serpentine is briefly reviewed and its implication for the faulting process is discussed. Serpentine is a common material in many active faults such as the San Andreas Fault Laboratory studies at room temperature condition reported low friction coefficient of serpentine, in particular for chrysotile as low as μ=0.2. It has also been shown that velocity dependence of chrysotile-friction changed from velocity weakening at fast slip rates to velocity strengthening at slow slip rates. Based on these frictional properties of serpentine, it has been argued that the presence of chrysotile-bearing serpentine on faults is responsible both for the apparent low strength of San Andreas fault and aseismic slip (creep) of the fault. Recent studies, however, revealed that frictional strength of chrysotile increased with temperature to a level comparable with that of antigorite and lizardite. It was suggested that absorbed water may strongly influence the frictional strength of the chrysotile sample.
- 2007-02-16
- 間隙圧振動法および定差圧流量法による岩石の気体浸透率測定 : 掛川層群シルト岩の測定例
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- 286. 地震性断層運動時の断層内プロセス
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