- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this research was to announce the psychological-competitive ability of the woman handball player. The survey object is 11 teams, 171 people who belong to the Japanese league. The following result became clear from this research. 1) Dividing the target into 3 groups of the National team upper class groups/subordinate position groups psychological-competitive ability was analyzed. To each 3 groups a significant difference, although it was not admitted to each an excellent value showing be that level is high generally clear became. 2) The excellent unification nature was seen by the particular teams of both groups with the individual evaluation between the team in the upper class group/subordinate position group. Also, it became as a result that the rose attachment is observed to the difference by the low team of the ranking in the ability and the weakness of the guidance of the whole team be conceivable. 3) It is different a regular group/non-regular group and be is admitted in 7 items, factors to 5 items and the significant difference became clear in the regular group and a scale that psychological-competitive ability is high.
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