Dynkin graphs and combinations of singularities on some algebraic varieties(Combinatorial Aspects in Representation Theory and Geometry)
- Corank2の5重孤立特異点の分類と標準型 (特異点をめぐる位相的解析的様相)
- On Weak Hironaka Theorem(Part 2)
- The Gauss map and the dual variety of real analytic submanifolds in a sphere or in hyperbolic space
- On the global theory of singularities(Analytic varieties and singularities)
- ハッセ原理に関連したマニンの予想について(複素解析幾何学とその周辺の研究:数理物理と複素幾何)
- Dynkin graphs and combinations of singularities on some algebraic varieties(Combinatorial Aspects in Representation Theory and Geometry)
- Dynkin Graphs and the Singularity Theory, Local and Global
- 4次曲面上の有理ニ重点について (特異点をめぐる位相的解析的様相)