- 論文の詳細を見る
The primary concern of this paper is to study the Hongwan temple's political development for discriminated temples. The historical materials are the list of "Iko Monto Honmatsu Kumiai" and the condition of the Hongwan temple in the term from the latter modern period to the Meiji Restoration. The target audiences are those who are interested in the history of "buraku," or discriminated communities and Shin Buddhism (in relation with politics). The main findings of this research are as foliows: 1. The Hongwan temple made a new system to control the discriminated temples. The Kousen temple which holded an important post was put under the control. 2. The Hongwan temple got into financial trouble, so needed to control the discriminated temples which had a great economic power. 3. The new control system doesn't mean the distinction for the discriminated temples. We have to understand that discriminated temples can join the total system of the Hongwan temple.
- 日本法政学会の論文
- 2006-11-15
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