Integration of Computers and the Internet with a Process Approach to Teaching Reading, Writing, and EFL Content-Based Classes in the College Core Curriculum
- 教育 学生発表に基づいたオーラル・イングリッシュ・カリキュラム
- クリティカルシンキングの教育方法 : クリティカル教授理論と日本の女子大学生
- Integration of Computers and the Internet with a Process Approach to Teaching Reading, Writing, and EFL Content-Based Classes in the College Core Curriculum
- Contributions of African-Americans to the Ending of Slavery in Massachusetts
- Lewis Hayden's Last Dream : the Meaning of the American Revolution and Crispus Attucks to African Americans in Boston
- 日本における社会科教科とグローバルスタディズ、クリティカルシンキングに関する授業の進め方についての問題点
- Brainstorming and Storytelling in Intermediate Oral English Classes : Content-Based Oral Practice
- 北星学園女子短期大学に於ける英語による一般教育科目の実習
- African-American Reaction to Recruitment in the U.S.Civil War : The 54th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
- "You know it is me jest three years from slavery" : A Fugitive Slave Makes a Place for Himself in the Anti-Slavery Movement