- 論文の詳細を見る
The Human Resources Group has been active since the foundation of JSSPRM in response to the importance of human resources in corporate activities, particularly in R&D. The basic form of our activity is lectures by experts in the human resources issue, followed by discussion sessions. All participants are required to make self-introduction before the session. Usually the lecturer is invited to a party after the formal session, where discussion is continued in a more relaxed atmosphere. Self-introduction is effective for better communication among the participants and enlivening discussion, thus making the session something more than a mere one-way lecture. Lecturers are so chosen as to represent a variety of backgrounds; so far they included, for example, personnel officers from big businesses, SME executives, and academic researchers specialized in human resources development.
- 研究・技術計画学会の論文
- 2006-12-08
- 平成11年度 分科会報告
- 元気を出せ中小企業(20年度第1回研究会 情報通信月間特別企画シンポジウム-続ICT技術人材育成の現状と課題-)
- 人材問題分科会(分科会・支部の活動)
- 製造業,日本の強みと中国の強み(ハードウェアを革新する情報・サービス)
- 経済研究所講演会講演録 第24回 町工場の底力 : 日本経済を支える中小企業
- 日本の中小企業の底力
- 世界に伝えたい「モノづくりの喜び」
- F06-(4) 中国 vs 日本中国の強み・日本の底力 : 技術でも流通でも中国に負けないために
- 中小企業のものづくりの現状と将来
- 人材問題(平成11年度分科会報告)