デリバティブ会計の新展開(環太平洋経済圏における産業・経営・会計の諸問題(Part II))
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New international developments can be seen in the accounting for derivatives. One is the exposure draft, "Accounting for Derivative and Similar Financial Instruments and for Hedging Activities", released in June 1996 by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), stating that derivatives should be reported at fair value as assets or liabilities on the balance sheet. Another is the discussion paper, "Derivatives and other Financial Instruments", issued in July 1996 by the Accounting Standards Board (ASB), proposing that all financial instruments, including derivatives, be reported at current value as assets or liabilities on the balance sheet. It is thought that although there are some slight differences between the two, they are both aiming in the same direction. That is, they both consider the most relevant measure for financial instruments to be current value, and through expanding the application of current value as much as possible, they both seek to resolve the difficult problems that accompany hedge accounting. The FASB exposure draft proposes fair values for derivatives and fair value hedged positions only, but FASB ultimately seeks to measure financial instruments at fair value. The ASB discussion paper has not only derivatives but also non-derivative financial instruments being valued at current value. But the fact that it has started down the path of comprehensive current value reporting does not mean that all problems will thus be resolved. The main problems with the comprehensive approach of reporting all financial assets and liabilities at current value can be summarized in the following 4 points. (1) For the hedge of cash flow risk, the real condition of the hedge is not clear even though current value is used, (2) for the current value of liabilities, especially the problem of whether or not to recognize a gain when an issuer's creditworthiness declines, (3) the problem of whether or not to use hedge accounting for hedges of uncontracted future transactions, and (4) the problem of whether to apply current value to inventories hedged by commodity-based derivatives.
- 日本大学の論文
- 1997-03-31
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