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Research into so-called complexity is growing, not just in the natural sciences but also in social sciences. The basic idea is to treat complex phenomena as complex rather than trying to simplify them. In the field of economics, this is known as "the economics of complexity," which revolves around criticism of traditional economics, particularly the neo-classical school. The basic principles of the economics of complexity are not all new; in fact, many can be found in traditional economic theories. For this reason, this field is often described as a throwback to the classical school. Some aspects are even consistent with Keynes's economics. In this paper, I will argue the case for the continuing relevance of Keynes's theory, by first defining the basic framework of the economics of complexity and then identifying the common ground between Keynes's theory and the economics of complexity, particularly with reference to The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936). Certainly, the economics of complexity represents a fresh approach in modern economic thinking. Yet a number of the main ideas and concepts-bounded rationality, increasing returns (also known as positive feedback), instability in economic systems, and stationary processes with fluctuations-are in fact similar to principles such as uncertainty, economic instability, and market failures outlined in the General Theory, and also to the corridor hypothesis espoused by Leijonhufvud. We have been told many times that Keynes's ideas are no longer relevant. But it would appear that the key concepts in the economics of complexity in fact support a reinstatement of the basic paradigms of Keynes's economics, notwithstanding differences in approach compared to fundamentalist Keynesians (who are concerned primarily with uncertainty) and Keynesian reappraisalists (who concentrate on the disequilibrium analysis).
- 日本大学の論文
- 2001-03-25
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