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The 1931 Manchurian Incident-the trigger for the ensuing 15-year war-was essentially an imperialist invasion. Having said that, Japanese imperialism had a unique structural character quite different to that of global imperialism. The invasion, carried out with the intent of colonization and subsequent re-division of the colonies, was the product of a combination of various political and economic factors, both domestic and external. It is important to examine the uniquely Japanese aspects of these factors, and to identify those factors which had the greatest importance, because it is the class-based nature of the forces behind the invasion that in itself defines the phenomenon of imperialism. This paper serves as an introduction to the Manchurian Incident. It examines previous studies of contributing factors during the 1920s, the decade prior to the Manchurian Incident, and identifies issues for further analysis. The scope of this study is limited to economic factors behind the invasion, such as investment in Manchuria and exports, and in particular the relationship between export products and domestic industrial structure. This in turn illustrates the similarities and differences between economic and other factors such as political. The paper concludes that the primary motivation for the Manchurian Incident was the class factor, which itself was partly feudal (based on the Emperor-worship system of state) and partly military^*. * Discussed in a separate paper.
- 日本大学の論文
- 1999-03-31
- 杉原四郎・岡田和喜編『田口卯吉と東京経済雑誌』, 日本経済評論社, 1995年2月(環太平洋経済圏における産業・経営・会計の諸問題)
- はしがき(満州事変の勃発,共同研究)
- はしがき(満州事変-その勃発原因をさぐる-,共同研究)
- 満州事変への道「序説」(満州事変-その勃発原因をさぐる-,共同研究)
- はしがき(満州事変-その勃発原因をさぐる-,共同研究)
- はしがき(「1920年代日本資本主義の再生産構造」研究の意義,共同研究)
- 橋本寿朗・武田晴人編著『両大戦間期 日本のカルテル』
- 転換期の日本経済 : 国家独占資本主義の本質理解のために(研究会報告要旨)
- 最近の転換期日本経済と1920年代 : 日本資本主義の体制的危機をめぐって(研究会報告要旨)
- 戦時経済過程における金融資本分析の一視角 : 研究ノート(1930年代以降の日本の戦時経済について)