- 論文の詳細を見る
The underground economy (Schattenokonomie), has aroused considerable and widespread interest for some time now, but serious theoretical research on it is only in its preliminary stages. Whether it is in order to make possible research in earnest on the underground economy, or whether it is for the purpose of finding a point of view, the first step necessary is to establish a basic premise. Although cases of spot reporting on the underground economy and studies objectively measuring its size are too many to mention here, as yet, it has not been an easy matter to devise a suitable theoretical basis. The objective of this manuscript, therefore, is to make a survey of the underground market at this point in time, to point out its problems, and finally to theoretically identify its sphere of operation. This is because we expect that the underground economy has the potential to complement or in some way be economically coordinated with the market economy, if the economic aspect of the underground economy does, in fact, have meaning economic terms. Furthermore, it is of primary importance to recognize the fact that the relationship between the underground economy and the official economy cannot be treated in the framework of the existing social sciences. I would also like to emphasize the importance of making an accurate assessment of the economic conditions in each country concerned, as another important factor for the study of the underground economy. The problem I would now like to focus on is how the underground economy helps the official economy in general to achieve stability or equilibrium. In other words, the official economy can only begin to achieve stability when the unofficial underground economy is stable. The underground economy has become an issue today since it is having problems in maintaining its own stability. The underground economy plays a large role in the stabilization of the general economy. In this capacity, the underground economy is an extremely deeply-entrenched economy of fundamental power. When the underground economy expands in the future to an extent far beyond our contemporary imagination, the results of coordination and systematization of our theories and studies on the underground market will also make rapid strides forward.
- 日本大学の論文
- 1987-03-20
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