Complete larval development of a scyllarine lobster, Galearctus kitanoviriosus (Harada, 1962) (Decapoda: Scyllaridae: Scyllarinae), reared under laboratory conditions
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Complete larval development of a scyllarine lobster, Galearctus kitanoviriosus (Harada, 1962), is described and illustrated from laboratory-reared material. The development comprises nine phyllosoma stages and one nisto stage. Nistos appeared 52-59 days and first stage juveniles 65-77 days after hatching, under rearing conditions with 24.3-25.5℃ water temperature and a salinity of 34.0-35.0‰. The morphological characteristics of phyllosoma and nisto stages were compared with those of other scyllarine larvae, which were also described from laboratory-reared materials. Galearctus kitanoviriosus phyllosomas can be differentiated from other species by characteristics of the cephalon, maxillule, and pereiopods. The nistos of G. kitanoviriosus can also be distinguished from those of Chelarctus cultrifer (Ortmann, 1897) and Petrarctus demani (Holthuis, 1946) by the armature and setation of the antenna, maxillule, and abdominal segments.
- 日本甲殻類学会の論文
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