Simple K3 singularities which are hypersurface sections of toric singularities(Geometry of Toric Varieties and Convex Polytopes)
- The dihedral coverings of the projective plane (Newton polyhedrons and Singularities)
- Fundamental groups of Galois coverings of the projective plane〔和文〕 (基本群と代数関数 研究集会報告集)
- 非特異点のガロア被覆となる特異点について(トーリック多様体の幾何と凸多面体)
- Int(P)$\cap\mathbf{Z}^n$={0}を満たす$\mathbf{R}^n$内の整凸多面体Pの双対多面体の体積の上限について(計算幾何学と離散幾何学)
- The uppper-bound of the volume of the dual polytopes of integral convex polytopes P in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with Int(P) $\cap \mathbb{Z}^n$ = { 0 }(Modern aspects of combinatorial structure on convex polytopes)
- On the volumes of integral convex polytopes satisfying certain conditions(Analytic varieties and singularities)
- Simple K3 singularities which are hypersurface sections of toric singularities(Geometry of Toric Varieties and Convex Polytopes)
- Quotients of hypersurface sections of toric singularities
- Classification of toric singularities with simple K3 singularities as hypersurface sections
- 3-dimensional singularities with resolutions whose exceptional sets are toric divisors
- Torus embeddings と cusp singularities(複素解析幾何学における特異点)