- 論文の詳細を見る
The problem of free-time is a socio-economic phenomenon. Scholars in the Soviet Union assert that the length of the work day in capitalist countries is decided by the struggle of the working classes opposite to the capitalist classes, whereas, on the other hand, socialist societies it is decided by the historical stage of the social productivity. So under capitalism leisure is opposite of work. In addition, they say that the concept of leisure in a capitalist society is understood as absolute freedom, i.e., the desire to live an easy life, characterized by self-abuse, self-centerendness, self-indulgence etc., as is expressed by the Russian phrase "lichnyi proizvol -личный произвол-". And again they say capitalism transforms the free-time from a resource for the all-round development of man to a means to make profits. It is often said under capitalism the work ethic has declined: leisure is seen as the aim of life, and work as merely a means to that end. But in the Soviet Union work is a primary need for man, for example, Г.Е. Боровский said that work is a essential practice for human being to develop intellectually and physically, but free-time only makes some necessary and supplemental conditions for all-round development of man (quoted from Б.И. Дубсон).
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 1985-10-30
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