日本経済を覆う漠然とした不安(尾高煌之助 教授最終講義の記録,第二部)
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As we finally reach the exit of the prolonged"bubble deflation" (c.1990-2005), Japanese youth seem to be uncertain about their futurecareer directions, as vividly symbolized by the large number of so-called "freeters," meaning young men and women aged under 35 whoare neither students nor full-time, regular employees. In order to dispel this atmosphereof anxiety, the author suggests several schemes including the following: (1) The modularization of white-collar jobs into interchangeable, independent components,each of which can be grasped through occupational training courses and be combinedflexibly for the execution of professionalrequirements; (2) The institution of long-term business internships, extending for at least six totwelve months, where trainees can gain a grasp of the essential ingredients of occupational careers; and (3) A bold overhaul of higher-education curricula with a focal point oninterdisciplinary training including a renewed concept of "general education,"which encourages mental and spiritual sensitiveness as well as creative thinking by students.
- 法政大学の論文
- 2006-03-03
- 小池和男著『海外日本企業の人材育成』東洋経済新報社, 2008年
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- 日本経済を覆う漠然とした不安(尾高煌之助 教授最終講義の記録,第二部)
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