"小農社会"における農業雇用労働 : 近世畿内農村の一,二の事例(第一部 寄稿論文集)
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A recent paper by Konosuke Odaka (Odaka 2004) proposed thesignificance of researches to identify the nature of agricultural employmentin prewar Japan. The aim of this paper is to make a contributionto this theme by showing some micro level data from the farmingvillages in early modern period.Based on macro-data, Odaka finds that the wage for yearly contractedagricultural laborer was as high as the average labor productivityof the agriculture. He concluded that the farming employmentoperated not by a marginal, but by a communitarian principle. Microdata of the individual farming households reveals, however, that themarginal labour productivity of the employer was higher than that ofthe peasant households that supplied the yearly contracted labourers.The article also shows that the peasants engaged in daily agriculturalemployment as well as other non-agricultural activities within theirhouseholds. Based on these findings, the article tentatively concludesthat, although farming employers might behave by marginal principle,the peasant household might operate on other precepts such as communitarianprinciple or plural-occupational strategy.
- 法政大学の論文
- 2006-03-03
- "小農社会"における農業雇用労働 : 近世畿内農村の一,二の事例(第一部 寄稿論文集)
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