中国大連地区における金型産業の現状と今後の発展可能性について : 金型産業振興にかける行政,企業,教育機関の現状と「韓国型金型発展モデル」によるキャッチアップ型金型産業発展の可能性について(第一部 寄稿論文集)
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Industrialization strategy plays an important role for economicgrowth in Asia. It has been pointed out that having excellent supportingindustries played a large role in boosting national industrialcompetitiveness in Asia, and key factors included technology transfersand capacity building of the workforce.However, while the role of the mold and die industry, which is one ofsupporting industries, has been recognized as important, until recentlyit has not been successful in Asian countries.The author shows that by satisfying three key conditions that were"technology", "markets", and "workforce capacity building", Korea hassucceeded in fostering her mold and die industry, whose main playersare local companies. The author calls this "the Korean developmentmodel for the mold and die industry".This paper examines the question of whether "the Korean model" isuniversally applicable in Asia, using case studies around Dalian inChina. The author contends that, in principle, the Dalian area satisfiesthe three key conditions mentioned above. At present, local mold anddie companies have broken through the initial barrier of deliveringmold and die to foreign companies of high technology in the area. Thisstudy indicates that "the Korean model" is effective at the initial stagesof industrial development. However, it is still necessary to overcomemany challenges if the goal is to reach a high level of industrialcompetitiveness.
- 2006-03-03
- 裾野産業(サポーティング・インダストリー)の役割と産業競争力への貢献(裾野産業の変容:アジアのキャッチアップ,迫られる日本の戦略転換)
- 韓国の金型産業発展と日本の競争力優位性保持への一考察 : 成功したキャッチアップ戦略とイノベーション志向への模索(裾野産業の変容:アジアのキャッチアップ,迫られる日本の戦略転換)
- 中国大連地区における金型産業の現状と今後の発展可能性について : 金型産業振興にかける行政,企業,教育機関の現状と「韓国型金型発展モデル」によるキャッチアップ型金型産業発展の可能性について(第一部 寄稿論文集)
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- アジアの金型産業 : 技術移転と発展モデルからの考察
- 1E17 国・公立大学教員・研究者評価システムの類型化とそれぞれの特徴(評価 (3), 第20回年次学術大会講演要旨集I)
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