PJ-287 Erythropoietin, And Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome and Its Cardioprotective Action after Ischemia-reperfusion Injury(Acute coronary syndrome, basic/clinical-6 (IHD) PJ49,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anni
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 2006-03-01
Sawada Takahisa
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Matsubara Hiroaki
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Department of Cardiology, Kouseikai Takeda Hospital
Department of Cardiology, Sakurakai Takahashi Hospital
IRIE Hidekazu
Department of Cardiology, Kouseikai Takeda Hospital
Department of Cardiology, Kouseikai Takeda Hospital
AZUMA Akihiro
Department of Cardiology, National Shiga Hospital
Kinoshita Noriyuki
AMI-Kyoto Multi-Center Risk Study Group
Taniguchi Takuya
Department of Cardiology, National Cardiovascular Center
Azuma A
Department Of Cardiology National Shiga Hospital
Azuma Akihiro
康生会武田病院 循環器科
Azuma Akihiro
Nakamura Reo
Department Of Cardiology Kouseikai Takeda Hospital
Matsubara Hiroaki
Department Of Cardiology Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Taniguchi Takuya
Department Of Cardiology Kouseikai Takeda Hospital
Koide Masahiro
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Ito Kazuki
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Kinoshita Noriyuki
康生会武田病院 循環器科
Kinoshita Noriyuki
京都府立医科大学 放射線医
Koide Masahiro
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Koide Masahiro
Department Of Cardiology Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Irie Hidekazu
Department Of Cardiology Kouseikai Takeda Hospital
Irie Hidekazu
Department Of Anatomy And Developmental Biology
Ito Kazuki
犬山中央病院 循環器内科
Ito Kazuki
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Itoh Kazuki
Department of Cardiology, Shiga National hospital
Taniguchi Takuya
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University Of Science
Azuma Akihiro
Department Of Cardiology National Sgiga Hospital
Azuma Aklhiro
Second Department Of Medicine Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Azuma Akihiro
The Second Department Of Medicine Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Ishibashi Kazuya
Kyoto AMI Research Group
Sawada Takahisa
Department Of Pharmacology Osaka Medical College
Kinoshita Noriyuki
Department Of Cardiology Kouseikai Takeda Hospital
Sawada Takahisa
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Heart Failure Division National Cerebral And Cardiovascular Ce
Ito K
Department Of Brain Science And Molecular Imaging National Institute For Longevity Science National
Tanda Syuji
Division Of Hypertension And Nephrology Department Of Internal Medicine Kyoto Prefectural University
Takahashi Akihiko
Department Of Cardiology Sakurakai Takahashi Hospital
Sawada Takahisa
Department Of Cardiology Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Sawada Takahisa
Department Of Cardiology Kyoto First Red Cross Hospital
Matsubara Hiroaki
Department Of Bioscience National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Azuma Akihiro
Department Of Cardiology Kyoto Prefectual University Of Medicine
Azuma Akihiro
Department of Cardiology and Vascular Regenerative Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University School of Medicine
Sawada Takahisa
Department of Cardiology and Vascular Regenerative Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University School of Medicine
- Erythropoietin Prevention Trial of Coronary Restenosis and Cardiac Remodeling After ST-Elevated Acute Myocardial Infarction (EPOC-AMI) : – A Pilot, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study –
- PJ-335 Cell Therapy Improves Cardiac Dyssynchrony and Reduces the Transmural Extent of the Ischemic Regions in Chronic Myocardial Infarction(PJ057,Translational Science (Cardiac) (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japa
- 5 Cardiac Regenerative Hybrid-therapy Integrated via Human Autologous Cardiac Stem Cell and Biodegradable bFGF-incorporating Gelatin Hydrogel(Therapeutic Strategy for Severe Heart Failure-From LVAD to Heart Transplantation-,Symposium 11 (SY-11) (H),The 73
- Erythropoietin in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome and Its Cardioprotective Action After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
- Subacutely progressed extensive aortic dissection complicated with catheter-induced dissection in left main coronary artery
- PJ-713 Seasonal Mortality Variation in Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest : Analysis from AMI-Kyoto Multi-Center Risk Study Database(PJ120,Cardiopulmonary and Critical Care/ACLS (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese
- PJ-383 Predictors of In-Hospital Prognosis after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Repeat Myocardial Infarction : Insights from the AMI-Kyoto Multi-Center Risk Study(PJ065,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Treatment) 3 (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73r
- PJ-117 FGF Receptor Signals in Endothelial Cells Aggravates High Cholesterol Diet-Mediated Atherosclerosis through Dysfunction of Endothelial Cell and VSMC Proliferation(PJ020,Atherosclerosis, Basic 1 (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scient
- PE-460 Prehospital Delay Time and the Rate of Ambulance User for Acute Myocardial Infarction were not Improved from 2000-2007 in Kyoto(PE077,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Diagnosis) 1 (IHD),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese C
- PE-448 Hypoxia-Induced p53 Deteriorates Cardiac Energetics and Apoptotic Cell Death via TIGAR (TP53-Induced Glycolysis and Apoptosis Regulator)(PE075,Heart Failure (Pathophysiology) (M),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Ja
- PJ-335 Cell Therapy Improves Cardiac Dyssynchrony and Reduces the Transmural Extent of the Ischemic Regions in Chronic Myocardial Infarction(PJ057,Translational Science (Cardiac) (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japa
- 5 Cardiac Regenerative Hybrid-therapy Integrated via Human Autologous Cardiac Stem Cell and Biodegradable bFGF-incorporating Gelatin Hydrogel(Therapeutic Strategy for Severe Heart Failure-From LVAD to Heart Transplantation-,Symposium 11 (SY-11) (H),The 73
- PJ-273 A novel but evolutionarily conserved muscle-restricted coiled-coil protein, MURC, regulates myogenic differentiation in C2C12 cells(Development and differentiation(02)(M),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese C
- PE-335 A Novel Muscle-restricted Coiled-coil Protein, MURC, Induces Cardiac Dysfunction Accompanied with an Altered Gene Expression Profile(Heart failure, basic(03)(M),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation
- 3 Human cardiac stem cell biotherapy Integrated with bFGF controlled-release : Two randomized, dose-ranging, controlled preclinical trial(Symposium 12 (SY-12) (M) Clinical Experiences of Regenerative Medicine in Cardiovascular Diseases,Special Program,The
- OJ-133 Calcium-Dependent Tyrosine-Kinase PYK2 Plays Crucial Role in Angiotensin II- but Not Norepineprine-Mediated Activation of Rac/Superoxide-Pathway that Differentially Regulates Blood Pressure(OJ23,Hypertension, Basic (H),Oral Presentation (Japanese),
- OJ-058 Bone Marrow AT1 Receptor Augments Neointima Formation by Promoting Mobilization of Smooth Muscle Progenitor Cells in a Platelet-Derived SDF-1α-Dependent Manner(OJ10,Atherosclerosis, Basic (IHD),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientifi
- OE-232 Bone Marrow Angiotensin AT1 Receptor Regulates Differentiation of Monocyte/Macrophage-Lineage Progenitors from Hematopoietic Stem Cells(OE40,Atherosclerosis, Basic 2 (IHD),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japane
- OE-055 Ca2+/Redox-Sensitive Tyrosine Kinase PYK2 Promotes Atherogenesis through OxLDL/ROS/p21-Dependent Premature Senescence and Cytokine Induction in Endothelium(OE10,Atherosclerosis, Basic 1 (IHD),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific M
- OJ-133 Calcium-Dependent Tyrosine-Kinase PYK2 Plays Crucial Role in Angiotensin II- but Not Norepineprine-Mediated Activation of Rac/Superoxide-Pathway that Differentially Regulates Blood Pressure(OJ23,Hypertension, Basic (H),Oral Presentation (Japanese),
- OJ-058 Bone Marrow AT1 Receptor Augments Neointima Formation by Promoting Mobilization of Smooth Muscle Progenitor Cells in a Platelet-Derived SDF-1α-Dependent Manner(OJ10,Atherosclerosis, Basic (IHD),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientifi
- OE-232 Bone Marrow Angiotensin AT1 Receptor Regulates Differentiation of Monocyte/Macrophage-Lineage Progenitors from Hematopoietic Stem Cells(OE40,Atherosclerosis, Basic 2 (IHD),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japane
- OE-055 Ca2+/Redox-Sensitive Tyrosine Kinase PYK2 Promotes Atherogenesis through OxLDL/ROS/p21-Dependent Premature Senescence and Cytokine Induction in Endothelium(OE10,Atherosclerosis, Basic 1 (IHD),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific M
- PJ-616 Mild Renal Dysfunction Accelerated Atherosclerotic Development by Augmenting Mobilization of Bone Marrow Monocyte-lineage progenitors from Bone Marrow via CCR2-Mediated Signals(Atherosclerosis, basic(08)(IHD),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annua
- PJ-540 Calcium-dependent-tyrosine-kinase PYK2 Plays Crucial Roles in Angiotensin-II- But Not Norepineprine- Mediated Activation of Rac/ Superoxide Pathway That Differentially Regulates Blood-Pressure(Molecular biology, vascular(02)(IHD),Poster Session(Jap
- PJ-376 Bone Marrow AT1 and AT2 Differentially Modulate Vascular Repair by Regulating Mobilization of Bone Marrow-derived c-Kit^-Sca-1^+Lin^- Progenitors via SDF-1 α/CXCR4 Axis(Restenosis basic/clinical(04)(IHD),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Sci
- OE-416 Novel Action of Angiotensin AT1 Receptor on Bone Marrow Stem Cells, Promotion of Monocyte/Macrophage Lineage Differentiation from Hematopoietic Stem Cells.(Atherosclerosis, clinical(02)(IHD),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Mee
- FRS-030 Calclum/Redox-dependent Tyrosine Kinase PYK2 Promotes Atherogenesis by Inducing Monocyte/Macrophage-Derived TNF-alpha and MCP-1 Unmasked by Analysis of PYK2/ApoE Double Deficient Mice(Novel Mechanisms in Atherosclerosis (IHD),Featured Research Ses
- PJ-335 Cell Therapy Improves Cardiac Dyssynchrony and Reduces the Transmural Extent of the Ischemic Regions in Chronic Myocardial Infarction(PJ057,Translational Science (Cardiac) (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japa
- 5 Cardiac Regenerative Hybrid-therapy Integrated via Human Autologous Cardiac Stem Cell and Biodegradable bFGF-incorporating Gelatin Hydrogel(Therapeutic Strategy for Severe Heart Failure-From LVAD to Heart Transplantation-,Symposium 11 (SY-11) (H),The 73
- PJ-273 A novel but evolutionarily conserved muscle-restricted coiled-coil protein, MURC, regulates myogenic differentiation in C2C12 cells(Development and differentiation(02)(M),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese C
- PE-335 A Novel Muscle-restricted Coiled-coil Protein, MURC, Induces Cardiac Dysfunction Accompanied with an Altered Gene Expression Profile(Heart failure, basic(03)(M),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation
- 3 Human cardiac stem cell biotherapy Integrated with bFGF controlled-release : Two randomized, dose-ranging, controlled preclinical trial(Symposium 12 (SY-12) (M) Clinical Experiences of Regenerative Medicine in Cardiovascular Diseases,Special Program,The
- OE-232 Bone Marrow Angiotensin AT1 Receptor Regulates Differentiation of Monocyte/Macrophage-Lineage Progenitors from Hematopoietic Stem Cells(OE40,Atherosclerosis, Basic 2 (IHD),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japane
- FRS-030 Calclum/Redox-dependent Tyrosine Kinase PYK2 Promotes Atherogenesis by Inducing Monocyte/Macrophage-Derived TNF-alpha and MCP-1 Unmasked by Analysis of PYK2/ApoE Double Deficient Mice(Novel Mechanisms in Atherosclerosis (IHD),Featured Research Ses
- PE-039 Ca2^+-dependent Tyrosine Kinase PYK2 Promotes Atherogenesis by Inducing Monocyte/Macrophage-Derived IL-1 β and MCP-1(Atherosclerosis, basic-5, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-472 Ca2+dependent Tyrosine-kinase Pyk2 Plays Critical Role in Atherogenesis by Inducing Macrophage-derived IL-1β and MCP-1 Unmasked by Analysis of PYK2/ApoE-deficient Mice(Atherosclerosis, basic-5 (H) PJ80,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary
- PJ-275 Overexpression of Tie2-promoted Activated Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-2 in Endothelial Cells Enhances Angiogenesis via Akt Signaling in Mice Hindlimb Ischemia(Regeneration (angionenesis/myocardial regeneration)-8 (M) PJ47,Poster Session (Japa
- PJ-033 Central Role of Calcium-Dependent Tyrosine Kinase PYK2 in eNOS-Mediated Angiogenesis Unmasked by PYK2 Knockout Mice(Endothelium-5 (H) PJ6,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-232 Bone Marrow Angiotensin AT1 Receptor Regulates Differentiation of Monocyte/Macrophage-Lineage Progenitors from Hematopoietic Stem Cells(OE40,Atherosclerosis, Basic 2 (IHD),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japane
- FRS-030 Calclum/Redox-dependent Tyrosine Kinase PYK2 Promotes Atherogenesis by Inducing Monocyte/Macrophage-Derived TNF-alpha and MCP-1 Unmasked by Analysis of PYK2/ApoE Double Deficient Mice(Novel Mechanisms in Atherosclerosis (IHD),Featured Research Ses
- PJ-472 Ca2+dependent Tyrosine-kinase Pyk2 Plays Critical Role in Atherogenesis by Inducing Macrophage-derived IL-1β and MCP-1 Unmasked by Analysis of PYK2/ApoE-deficient Mice(Atherosclerosis, basic-5 (H) PJ80,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary
- PJ-275 Overexpression of Tie2-promoted Activated Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-2 in Endothelial Cells Enhances Angiogenesis via Akt Signaling in Mice Hindlimb Ischemia(Regeneration (angionenesis/myocardial regeneration)-8 (M) PJ47,Poster Session (Japa
- OE-232 Bone Marrow Angiotensin AT1 Receptor Regulates Differentiation of Monocyte/Macrophage-Lineage Progenitors from Hematopoietic Stem Cells(OE40,Atherosclerosis, Basic 2 (IHD),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japane
- FRS-030 Calclum/Redox-dependent Tyrosine Kinase PYK2 Promotes Atherogenesis by Inducing Monocyte/Macrophage-Derived TNF-alpha and MCP-1 Unmasked by Analysis of PYK2/ApoE Double Deficient Mice(Novel Mechanisms in Atherosclerosis (IHD),Featured Research Ses
- PJ-713 Seasonal Mortality Variation in Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest : Analysis from AMI-Kyoto Multi-Center Risk Study Database(PJ120,Cardiopulmonary and Critical Care/ACLS (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese
- PJ-383 Predictors of In-Hospital Prognosis after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Repeat Myocardial Infarction : Insights from the AMI-Kyoto Multi-Center Risk Study(PJ065,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Treatment) 3 (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73r
- PE-460 Prehospital Delay Time and the Rate of Ambulance User for Acute Myocardial Infarction were not Improved from 2000-2007 in Kyoto(PE077,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Diagnosis) 1 (IHD),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese C
- FRS-036 In-hospital Prognostic Value of Crude Peak Creatine Kinase Measurement after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Myocardial Infarction(FRS8,Novel Biomarkers and Pathophysiology of ACS (IHD),Featured Research Session (English),The
- OJ-204 Diminished Relation Between Hospital Volume of Primary PCI and In-Hospital Outcomes After AMI : Insights from the AMI-Kyoto Multi-Center Risk Study(Acute myocardial infarction, clinical (diagnosis / treatment)(04)(IHD),Oral Presentation (Japanese),
- OE-052 Is "Door-to-Balloon Time within 90 Minutes" Really the Gold Rule in Primary PCI for AMI in Japan?(Atherosclerosis, clinical(01)(IHD),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- FRS-005 Cause of Death in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Presented Killip I/II : Insight from Database of Kyoto AMI Research Group(Acute Coronary Syndrome, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 1 Long-Term Feasibility of TACT and Cardiac Regeneration Enhancement by Intra-Coronary Infusion of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (CARE-PB-AMI) or Erythropoietin (CARE-EPO-AMI)(Clinical Trials of Regeneration Therapy in Japan, The 71st Annual Scientif
- Predictors of In-Hospital Prognosis After Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Myocardial Infarction Requiring Mechanical Support Devices
- Analysis of Circulating Apoptosis Mediators and Proinflammatory Cytokines in Patients With Idiopathic Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy : Comparison Between Nonobstructive and Dilated-Phase Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Interventional Treatment for Very Young Adults With Acute Myocardial Infarction : Clinical Manifestations and Outcome
- PE-055 The Clinical Value of Novel Endocardial Circumferential Strain Assessed from Myocardial Speckle-Tracking Imaging in Patients with Hypertension(Echo/Doppler-07, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-713 Seasonal Mortality Variation in Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest : Analysis from AMI-Kyoto Multi-Center Risk Study Database(PJ120,Cardiopulmonary and Critical Care/ACLS (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese
- PJ-588 Rehabilitation after Angiogenic Cell Therapy for the Critical Limb Ischemia(PJ099,Exercise Test/Cardiac Rehabilitation 2 (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-461 Aerobic Exercise in the Postoperative Cardiac Rehabilitation did not Deteriorate Renal Function in the Patients with Renal Failure(PJ078,Kidney/Renal Circulation/CKD 4 (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese
- PJ-383 Predictors of In-Hospital Prognosis after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Repeat Myocardial Infarction : Insights from the AMI-Kyoto Multi-Center Risk Study(PJ065,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Treatment) 3 (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73r
- PE-460 Prehospital Delay Time and the Rate of Ambulance User for Acute Myocardial Infarction were not Improved from 2000-2007 in Kyoto(PE077,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Diagnosis) 1 (IHD),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese C
- PJ-713 Seasonal Mortality Variation in Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest : Analysis from AMI-Kyoto Multi-Center Risk Study Database(PJ120,Cardiopulmonary and Critical Care/ACLS (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese
- PJ-461 Aerobic Exercise in the Postoperative Cardiac Rehabilitation did not Deteriorate Renal Function in the Patients with Renal Failure(PJ078,Kidney/Renal Circulation/CKD 4 (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese
- PJ-383 Predictors of In-Hospital Prognosis after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Repeat Myocardial Infarction : Insights from the AMI-Kyoto Multi-Center Risk Study(PJ065,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Treatment) 3 (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73r
- PE-460 Prehospital Delay Time and the Rate of Ambulance User for Acute Myocardial Infarction were not Improved from 2000-2007 in Kyoto(PE077,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Diagnosis) 1 (IHD),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese C
- PJ-713 Seasonal Mortality Variation in Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest : Analysis from AMI-Kyoto Multi-Center Risk Study Database(PJ120,Cardiopulmonary and Critical Care/ACLS (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese
- PJ-383 Predictors of In-Hospital Prognosis after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Repeat Myocardial Infarction : Insights from the AMI-Kyoto Multi-Center Risk Study(PJ065,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Treatment) 3 (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73r
- PE-460 Prehospital Delay Time and the Rate of Ambulance User for Acute Myocardial Infarction were not Improved from 2000-2007 in Kyoto(PE077,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Diagnosis) 1 (IHD),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese C
- FRS-036 In-hospital Prognostic Value of Crude Peak Creatine Kinase Measurement after Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Myocardial Infarction(FRS8,Novel Biomarkers and Pathophysiology of ACS (IHD),Featured Research Session (English),The
- OJ-204 Diminished Relation Between Hospital Volume of Primary PCI and In-Hospital Outcomes After AMI : Insights from the AMI-Kyoto Multi-Center Risk Study(Acute myocardial infarction, clinical (diagnosis / treatment)(04)(IHD),Oral Presentation (Japanese),
- 1 Long-Term Feasibility of TACT and Cardiac Regeneration Enhancement by Intra-Coronary Infusion of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (CARE-PB-AMI) or Erythropoietin (CARE-EPO-AMI)(Clinical Trials of Regeneration Therapy in Japan, The 71st Annual Scientif
- 1 Long-Term Feasibility of TACT and Cardiac Regeneration Enhancement by Intra-Coronary Infusion of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (CARE-PB-AMI) or Erythropoietin (CARE-EPO-AMI)(Clinical Trials of Regeneration Therapy in Japan, The 71st Annual Scientif
- PE-276 Influence of Dynamic Exercise on Severity of Functional Mitral Regurgitation in Patients with Idiopathic Dilated Cardiopmyopathy(Valvular heart disease/Pericarditis/Cardiac tumor-2, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Soc
- Angiogenic Cell Therapy to the Failing Heart Using Therapeutic Ultrasound with Contrast Microbubbles (Cardiac Hypertrophy/Cardiomyopathy 2 (M), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-287 Erythropoietin, And Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome and Its Cardioprotective Action after Ischemia-reperfusion Injury(Acute coronary syndrome, basic/clinical-6 (IHD) PJ49,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anni
- PE-272 Delayed enhancement of MR imaging in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(Cardiomyopathy, Clinical 2 (M) : PE47)(Poster Session (English))
- PJ-352 Usefulness of Multiple Frames to Detect Post-Stress Left Ventricular Dysfunction with Gated-SPECT in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease(Nuclear Cardiology 11 (I) : PJ59)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- In-Hospital Outcomes of Primary Percutaneous Coronary Interventions Performed at Hospitals With and Without On-Site Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
- PJ-699 Relation of Obesity to Acute Myocardial Infarction in Japanese Patients : differences in Gender and Age(Preventive medicine/Epidemiology/Education-5, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Beneficial Effects of Reperfusion Therapy in Elderly or Super-Elderly Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction(Acute Myocardial Infarction, Clinical (Diagnosis/Treatment) 8 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-298 Multi-center Investigation of Chronic Mortality of Myocardial Infarction in the Primary Angioplasty Era(Acute myocardial infarction, clinical (diagnosis/treatment)-8 (IHD) PJ50,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meetin
- OJ-281 Characteristics and Outcome of Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest Using Utstein System-Kyoto Experience(Emergency care-2 (H) OJ47,Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Incidence and Prognosis of AMI Patients with Cardiac Rupture from AMI-Kyoto Multi-Center Risk Study (Acute Myocardial Infarction, Clinical (Diagnosis/Treatment) 6 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-300 Novel Hydroxyl Radicals Scavenger, Inhibits Neointimal Hyperplasia after Arterial Wire Injury in Mice(Restenosis after Angioplasty, Basic/Clinical 2 (IHD) : OJ36)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- OE-157 AMI-Kyoto Multi-Center Risk Study for In-Hospital Mortality Assessment(Acute Myocardial Infarction, Clinical (Diagnosis/Treatment) 6 (IHD) : OE19)(Oral Presentation (English))
- G-CSF Treatment Inhibits Neointimal Hyperplasia Associated with Endothelial Progenitor Cell Mobilization and Acceleration of Reendothelialization in Catorid Artery Injuty Model(Restenosis after Angioplasty, Basic/Clinical 5 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientif
- Relation of Obesity to Acute Myocardial Infarction in Japanese Patients : Differences in Gender and Age
- Medium-Term Prognosis of Young Japanese Adults Having Acute Myocardial Infarction(CLINICAL INVESTIGATION)
- Acute Myocardial Infarction in Young Japanese Adults : Clinical Manifestations and In-Hospital Outcome
- OJ-028 G-CSF Treatment Inhibits Neointimal Formation after Arterial Injury through the Mobilization of Endothelial Progenitor Cell and Acceleration of Reendothelialization(Restenosis, basic/clinical-1 (IHD) OJ5,Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 70th Annive
- Unexpected abnormal extra-cardiac mediastinal accumulation of technetium-99m-tetrofosmin in patient with acute pericarditis
- G-CSF Treatment Dose-dependently Induces Collateral Blood Flow Associated with Endothelial Progenitor Cell Mobilization and Neocapillary Formation in Hindlimb Ischemia(Peripheral Circulation/Vascular Disease 3 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of th
- Predictors of nonoptimal coronary flow after primary percutaneous coronary intervention with stent implantation for acute myocardial infarction
- Erythropoietin Prevention Trial of Coronary Restenosis and Cardiac Remodeling After ST-Elevated Acute Myocardial Infarction (EPOC-AMI) : A Pilot, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study
- Influence of previous myocardial infarction site on in-hospital outcome after primary percutaneous coronary intervention for repeat myocardial infarction
- Clinical manifestations and effects of primary percutaneous coronary intervention for patients with delayed pre-hospital time in acute myocardial infarction
- Enhanced Cardiovascular Protective Effects of Valsartan in High-Risk Hypertensive Patients With Left Ventricular Hypertrophy : Sub-Analysis of the KYOTO HEART Study
- Significance of Measuring Plasma Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
- A case presenting with myocardial ischemia-like electrocardiogram findings after laryngopharyngoesophagectomy