State-of-the-Art : Overview of the Brugada Syndrome(Brugada Syndrome:From Cell to Bedside,Plenary Session 2 (PL2) (A),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 2006-03-01
- Computer Simulation of the Cellular Basis for the ECG Configurations of the Brugada Syndrome and Early Repolarization Syndrome
- Cellular Basis for QT Prolongation, T wave Inversion and Cardiac Arrhythmias Induced by Intra-Coronary Injection of Angiographic Contrast Media
- Cellular Basis for the Monophasic Action Potential : Which electrode is the recording electrode
- Contribution of Ventricular Epicardial, Endocardial and M cells to the Inscription of the ECG and the Development of Cardiac Arrhythmias : Cellular Mechanisms for the Long QT and Brugada Syndromes
- SUDS and Brugada Syndrome Linked by the Same SCN5A Mutation
- T波の成因におけるM細胞の役割
- Brugada症候群におけるST上昇の細胞学的成因と心室細動の発生機序 : 動脈灌流右室心筋切片標本を用いた実験的検討
- P570 Brugada症候群におけるST上昇および心室細動の細胞学的成因
- P563 QT延長症候群におけるT波交替現象の細胞学的成因とイオン機序
- State-of-the-Art : Overview of the Brugada Syndrome(Brugada Syndrome:From Cell to Bedside,Plenary Session 2 (PL2) (A),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)