幕末期佐賀藩富国策の展開と国内外市場 : 陶器国産専売仕法を中心に
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It has been assumed that the military buildup of Saga domain was made possible by income from foreign trade at Nagasaki. However, details of the huge payments for warships show that the main source came from the feudal lord's kakesuzurikata (special account) at Kamigata (Osaka) market. After the Tempo Reform of the 1830s, Saga reduced its vast debt to ryogae-sho (moneylenders) in Osaka that had been accumulating since the previous century through annual installments over many years and through debt repudiation. In 1856 the domain issued hansatsu (its own notes) based on Saga assets and funds raised from rich merchants within the domain, in other words, without depending on Osaka moneylenders. In a sense it had achieved economic autonomy from Osaka and Hyogo moneylenders. After 1849, Saga worked for the reconstruction of its finances through strengthening the kakesuzurikata and encouraging domain production through the establishment of monopolies in porcelain and wax. From 1859, the domain involved Osaka and Hyogo moneylenders in the sale of monopoly products and the management of the proceeds. This enabled Saga to reinforce its relationship with the moneylenders so that it could raise vast funds on the Kamigata market. These were the funds which they used in the modernization of their armaments.
- 2003-09-25
- 幕末期佐賀藩富国策の展開と国内外市場 : 陶器国産専売仕法を中心に
- 佐賀藩藩政改革における「均田制度」と陶器専売制
- 坂井 隆著, 『港市国家バンテンと陶磁貿易』, 同成社, 2002年9月, v+344頁, 10,000円
- 木原溥幸著, 『幕末期佐賀藩の藩政史研究』, (九州大学出版会, 一九九七年二月, 四九九頁, 九五〇〇円)