自己組織系としての市場システムの形成 : オートマトンネットワーク理論の応用とシミュレーション(大会報告論文:システム論を問いなおす-新しい世紀のシステムをデザインする-)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The neoclassical theories as a contemporary mainstream economics analyze how individuals and firms should maximize their objects under perfect information and knowledge, and derive demand and supply functions by means of aggregating their behaviors. And market mechanisms clear so that economy is in equilibrium at all times according to the neoclassical. The equilibrium state does not change as long as external conditions of the economy do not change such as technological innovations and consumer's preferences. The neoclassical theories describe markets system with simultaneous equations on the assumption of individuals' perfect rationality, which is, however, itself a fiction. The figures of market economy depicted by the neoclassical are quite different from dynamic movement of the actual market economies. The economics of complexity against the neoclassical, is trying to grasp a market economy as a self-organizing system consists of many agents, whose local behaviors form a network of face-to-face transactions as a whole. It is the purpose of our paper to analyze the formation of markets systems themselves from the point of view of the self-organizing theory. Shiozawa's arguments on the market system as a self-organizing system are briefly examined in the section two. It is important to understand the formation of market itself in order to grasp nature of market systems. An automata network theory we depend on here is explained in the section three and structures of our agents-based-model in the section four. The result of our computer simulation on market formation processes with our simulation model is summarized in the section five and six. See [Asari,Mado,2001] about model building and simulation programs in detail. One implication of the result is the following. The transaction is the most efficient way in comparison with other ways like plunders in order to obtain something necessary for a community to sustain itself. Formation of markets system is brought about through processes of specialization of economic functions and division of labors. Formation of market is symbolized with formation of merchants' network. Needless to say, money plays essential rolls in any market systems. In our model money does not appear explicitly, but the formation of merchants' network could represent the rolls of money in the market system.
- 社会・経済システム学会の論文
- 2002-01-31
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