方法論的個人主義とシステム論 : 秩序問題をめぐって(<特集>システム論を問いなおす)
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How does the theory of contemporary sociology resolve Hobbes' 'problem of order'? "How can the cooperation come out ot the conflict among utilitarian individuals?" There are two kinds of answer to it. One can be gained by the 'methodological collectivism' which accepts the society's 'emergent property'; while the other by the 'methodological individualism' which doesn't accept it. Social system analysis, especially of 'science of complexity', is the recent representative of the former, and 'rational choice theory' the latter. In this paper I will examine to what extent 'rational choice theory' has succeeded in explaining such 'formation of society' without depending on the concept of 'emergent property.' 'Rational choice theory' regards the question of 'formation of society' as that of 'aggregation', and has proved to be successful in this attempt introducing what game theory has brought about, such as 'Prisoner's dilemma.' Disturbed by the concept of 'emergent property,' the traditional system analyses counld never try such an attempt. This attempt is, therefore, the very contribution that the individualistic method alone could do.
- 社会・経済システム学会の論文
- 2000-11-10
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