20 準防火地域早期指定の経済効率について
- 論文の詳細を見る
It is obvious that the designation of the semi-fire zone long before the town is filled up by wooden buildings is effective for decreasing the future fire damages. The author tries to observe the economical efficiency of the early designation from two viewpoints, i.e., of public economy and of individual economy. Here, the economical efficiency (j) is defined as [table] where i=average rate of interest, ΔE is the capitalized cost at the beginning of a series of yearly decreases of the damage cost or yearly decreases of the fire-insurance expense (shown as D_t), that is [table] where T: time of building replacement t: years ellapsed and ΔP is the additional building cost or the capitalized cost at the beginning of a series of additional building cost (shown as Δp) resulted from building fire-resistive structures instead of wooden ones, that is [table] Some calculation formulae are derived from (2) and (3) under several assumptions, and the values of economical efficiency (j) obtained are shown in the following table. [table]
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
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