5 一軸圧縮試験結果に現れた粘土の力学的諸性状 : 軟弱地盤の安定法に関する研究
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The unconfined compressive strength is a kind of the quick-shearing resistance. As a step to study the stability of clayey soil, I investigated particularly the relations between the water content and unconfined compressive strength of the clay, and mainly following conclusions are obtained. (1) The dangerous water content W of the clay If the water content w of the clay is more than a particular value W (named dangerous water content) for each clay, the sensibility S_t of the clay increase very remarkably compared with variation of S_t of the clay in w<W. By the data oftained from my tests, W≑L.L.-6.5% L.L.: liquid limit (2) The relations between w and S_r to q_u or S_t In w<W, unconfined compressive strength q_u of the clay is shown as a function of the water content w and the degree of saturation S_r, as formula (2). Because, sensibility S_t of the clay is shown as a function of w and S_r, too, as formula (6). In conclusion, I point out the importance of reducing the water content for the stabilization of treacherous and saturated clayey soil. Especially, keeping the natural water content of the soil less than dangerous water content value of the clay, is remarkably importance to the foundation engineering on the clayey soil.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1958-07-25
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