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キーワード : 社会主義市場経済 中国財市場 中国生産要素市場 管理市場経済 中兼和津次 抄録 : In this paper, I will try to analyze market economy in Chinese Socialism. Chinese economy owes its rapid development to market economy of non-state sector. But China has many problems with market economy. The production-factor markets (commodity, labor, capital, estate) don't have the build-in-stabilizer system. Chinese economy, therefore, can't hold overinvestment and overproduction. In addition, China hasn't undergone the crises of business-cycle in market economy. The bad effect of region-sectionalism persists in old state-sector. The socialistic market economy is next to impossible in theory. But it is possible on the condition that the planed economy should be limited in macro field and market economy should have free disposal. For the sake of more development in market economy, China needs to promote the separation of trinity of communist party, state and enterprise in state-sector.
- 鶴岡工業高等専門学校の論文
- 2005-12-20
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