二液テイラー渦流れの不安定性 : 第2報,円筒の上端が自由表面の場合(流体工学,流体機械)
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In this report we present the experimental study on the instability of the two-fluid Taylor vortex flow with a small aspect ratio. The immiscible two fluids between annulus construct with upper positioned silicon oil and lower positioned aqueous solution of glycerol. Water glycerin is on a bottom solid surface and with a top free surface as a boundary condition. On the other hand silicon oil is with two free surfaces on the bottom and top surfaces. The instability of the Taylor vortex flow with the immiscible two fluids is assumed to being influenced by the boundary surface between them. This experimental study shows the pictures of sectional flows and clarifies the configuration of the vortices. The variation of the cell heights with increasing Reynolds number is shown. The instability for wavy Taylor vortex flow is clarified. Finally the routes of the bifurcation between secondary modes and/or between a primary mode and secondary mode are shown and the relationship of the instability of the two-fluid Taylor vortex flow is discussed.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-04-25
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