老年観に関する研究-その1 : 近代日本短編小説にみる高齢者像
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This paper examines the attitudes of novelists and the images in their works of older persons, based on fourteen modern Japanese short stories. Major findings are as follows; 1. Attitudes and images specific to older people and old age as a stage of life vary by time, place, and source. 2. Novelists describe older persons as undergoing substantial stress in later life from economic loss, chronic illness, and isolation. 3. Negative attitude about aging and the elderly are still commonly widespread. 4. At present the government seeks to promote a new image of the elderly, pointing out that many elderly persons are healthy and actively participate in society; it is important to breakdown existing stereotypes. 5. To support a more positive attitude toward older persons, Skinner notes that the wisdom that is valued most in older people concerns old age itself. If you are really enjoying your life you may find yourself an authority. People will come to you to learn your secret.
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 2005-11-08
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