旧制長崎高等商業学校における教育と成果 : 明治・大正期を中心として
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Nagasaki Commercial High School (NCHS) was established in 1905 and turned out about 2,300 graduates in the Meiji and Taisho eras. In this article, some characteristics of its curriculums and graduates' jobs are shown. Firstly, by discussing curriculums in NCHS and other national commercial high schools, it became clear that NCHS made efforts to make its curriculums equally match those of Tokyo and Kobe Commercial High Schools, and that NCHS, on the other hand, gave foreign language lessons specializing in China and the South Asia. Secondly, it was tried to investigate the graduates' course in the eras. Although it was impossible to collect complete data, some features were ascertained. First, most of the graduates got jobs in the enterprises and banks whose headquarters were in Japan. Second, about 10% of graduates went on to higher schools (imperial universities, Tokyo Commercial University or graduate course of NCHS) in 1920's.
- 2006-02-24
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