- 論文の詳細を見る
An overview is presented on the reports available so far on sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas, cultivated widely in Polynesia in the pre-Columbian era, with reference to possible ways and presumptive dates of transfer from the Americas to Polynesia, such as (1) Polynesian navigators' travel to Peru, (2) Peruvian fishermen's drift westward, (3) vessel drift, (4) seed drift, (5) root-tuber drift, and (6) transport by birds. The author supports the case (1) as most plausible. Ganshu or Ganchu described in the old Chinese herbal books is identified as Dioscorea esculenta. An introduction of the tuber to China and Japan is briefly mentioned.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2006-12-01
- ポテトチップスに発ガン性のアクリルアミド
- ニクズク・ナツメグ物語
- ブタンとペンタンの谷間
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- コロンブス以前に旧世界にあったトウモロコシ : 回想(短編論文)
- コロンブス以前の中国のトウモロコシ : 中国本草書[本草品彙精要]より(短編論文)
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- キニーネ : 発見・命名とストーク教授の立体選択的全合成
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