わが国養豚の展開過程(上) : 古代より16世紀まで
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The purpose of this study is to clarify the historical development of hog production in Japan through the analysis of its historical records. Generally, the public regards the period since the Meiji Restoration or before the ending of the 19th century as the original period of hog production. As far as the historical study of hog production in Japan is concerned, it was rarely undertaken in the period before the Meiji Restoration. We are informed of the fact that in the old days of Japan wild boars were fed for animal food supply. Since A.D. 538 Buddhism was introduced to Japan and its doctrine was adopted as the basis of the political and economical activities. Since then, the consumption of meat products including slaughtering of living animals was strictly prohibited. From the records we get the information that about A.D. 740's, the feeding and slaughtering of wild boars had formally ceased their activities, though among the common citizens consuming the wild boar meat was still kept on. Therefore during this period there were a number of ordinances promulgated by the central government-the Imperial Court or Shogunate government, aiming at stopping the killing and eating of animal products. And since the 12th century, the consumption of meat products were not made among the common citizens. The case mentioned above is the reason why hog breeding development in Japan was not derived from upgrading of wild boars. The new age of hog production in Japan began at the time when the Europeans had started their settlement around the port cities since the 16th century. In 1641 the Shogunate government exercised the strict control over the trade with foreigners. The Hollander and Chinese merchants were the only nationalities permitted to trade on the land of Japanese isles, though their residence was limited only to Nagasaki-Dejima Island. It was known that hogs were imported to Japan through the foreign settlement for supplying the demand of foreign consumers.
- 1973-03-24