恋愛中のカップルの性別役割・恋愛意識・恋愛行動が関係評価に及ぼす影響 : カップル単位の比較検討
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of gender-role, love style, and romantic love behavior on the relational evaluations among couples in love. Subjects were 78 couples. Couples were classified into certain groups in view of the scores of gender-role, love style, and performances of romantic love behavior. Major findings in detail were as follows: 1. The couples showing high scores in Eros and/or Agape in both sexes also show higher score of satisfaction than those with low score of Eros and Agape in both sexes. On the other hand, the couples with low score of Ludus in both sexes or at least in females show higher relational evaluation as well as satisfaction than those with high score of Ludus in both sexes. That is, the stability of the relationship depends on whether the score of Ludus in females is high or not 2. In the couples with higher score in satisfaction and relational evaluation, there is little difference between both sexes. 3. Females in the couples with high score of intimate love behavior and mutual understanding are more satisfied than those not. What makes females satisfied is the males' high performance in intimate love behavior and the females' high performance in mutual understanding. 4. As for satifaction and relational evalution differences between both sexes are smaller in the couples with higher perfomance than those with lower.
- 2006-03-29
- 恋愛中のカップルの性別役割・恋愛意識・恋愛行動が関係評価に及ぼす影響 : カップル単位の比較検討
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