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Housing studies in Japan was born as a new branch of science when "new universities" were founded. It stemmed off from home economics that was introduced to Japan from Western countries in the Meiji era to exclusively study the "shelter" (as opposed to food and clothing) aspect of homemaking. The previous paper outlined how the concept of "housing/dwelling" in the field of home economics was formed in modern Japan under a great influence of the "housing concept" in American home economics, the transformation and the current problems of which are discussed in this paper. In addition, in order to shed light on how the "housing concept" has been developing in modern Japan since its original formation, this paper examines the history of housing studies in Japan by analyzing the relation between the "housing concept" of home economics and architectural design during the period from late Meiji to early Showa based primarily on the ideas introduced by Koichi Sato and other architects who actively incorporated the "housing/dwelling" concept in their architectural designs.
- 2006-01-30
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