後期青年期における自己アイデンティティとNPO : 再帰性と公共空間の視点からの試論(<特集>後期青年期の現在)
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Previous research findings show that voluntary activities carried out by NPOs (nonprofit organizations) enhance learning and self-development among volunteers. Meantime, it has become difficult for post-adolescents to form a self-identity. Can NPOs reduce this difficulty? This report discusses the above-mentioned issue, by adopting the concepts of reflexivity and public space. First, it discusses how the human relationships nurtured in voluntary activities can provide the self as a "reflexive project" with opportunities to form an identity. Second, it proposes a concept of public space produced by NPOs and examines the possibility of a reflexive transformation of the self and society promoted by voluntary activities within the public space. Finally, it discusses the significance of that kind of space for the formation of identity in post-adolescence, by combining two concepts, namely, public space and learning. The following findings are obtained. Voluntary activities nurtured within the public space produced by NPOs promote the reflexive transformation of the self and society based on concrete human relationships, experience and outcome of activities, and therefore liberates the participants from the formation of an identity dependent on abstract information. Such public spaces are filled with various kinds of learning, and therefore are nothing less than "learning spaces." The learning emerging there can be called "reflexive learning." At present in Japan, it is important for post-adolescents to understand that social transformation and self-development are part of one united body. Through that process they can recognize their own position and power in actual society and gain an identity as a member of society. Meanwhile, it may lead us to evade a "risk society." Therefore, "reflexive learning" has the potential to achieve simultaneously the formation of identity in post-adolescence and the liberation of our society from risk.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 2005-05-30
- 後期青年期における自己アイデンティティとNPO : 再帰性と公共空間の視点からの試論(後期青年期の現在)
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